Sashka Co. Bracelets Review:


Have you ever wanted to accessorize just right but couldn't quite figure out what to use? A clasp broke on a bracelet, or perhaps you've lost weight so it's dangling and you fear it'll catch and tear? Well Sashka has beautiful, hand crafted bracelets that are durable, gorgeous, and glimmer and sparkle in the light! With different colors, designs, themes and more you can find yourself purchasing 20 or more bracelets from this company all to stack and accessorize your outfits!

These bracelets are made with glass beads and are sewn properly to ensure you can pull and tug without fear of the bracelets breaking. The designs are special and unique, this style in particular I'm excited to send my best friend one as well for us to wear together. She and I have a very special friendship, and that friendship couldn't be categorized with a charm that said "BEST" and "FRIENDS". No instead, this is perfect because we are not normal, haha. I love the color designs in fact...

As you can see, this bracelet matches one of my favorite "Mom" shirts perfectly! I love it, I love that I can take this bracelet and accessorize a shirt I've owned for so many years and it's very casual. This bracelet takes this casual outfit and changes it just slight while keeping it simple and that's what you want in bracelets. Simple, unique, stylish, with class without a lot of flash. But, my favorite color is pink and I love wearing pink as much as I can. I'm also a support of male breast cancer awareness in honor of my Father beating it and I'm so proud of him. So when the opportunity came I made sure to get the chance to show my support while being styling!

Sashka creates perfect bracelets that you roll down your hand so that it fits snugly to you, and still gives you the opportunity to show support to those around you. The only thing I will say, is I got a medium because my wrist came out to just at 14 inches. The medium bracelet fits up to 14.75 which as you can see fits the wrist perfectly, but it's a bit tight going down the hand. So make sure if you want it to go smoothly down a larger hand order the large!

I also gave one to another friend of mine she is actually the one who recently got me more accessorizing my outfits including earrings, necklaces and more. This bracelet stands out beautifully on her doesn't it? You can find your own amazing Sashka Co. bracelets here so hurry and check them out!! Remember, stack and coordinate!!

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!

#review #sashkaco #bracelets #jewelry #glassbeads #handmade #noclasp #perfectfit


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