Great Stocking Stuffers - Bulls iToy Brainstem Skeletubes!

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Children have a passion for all things dinosaurs, and as parents we should always be teaching them not only about our past very tall friends but should also make sure that it's fun for them. Bulls iToy has created something that is fun, teaching, and allows your child's imagination to explore the dinosaurs in their hands and not just looking at a museum!

Welcome to the Skele-tube! These pint sized skeletons can be put together by your child giving them the opportunity to put together a puzzle while seeing and learning about six different dinosaurs! From the T-Rex to the Velociprator, your child's eyes can light up after completing this complex maze of bones learning just how awesome dinosaurs have always been!

My daughter is small for her age (she's seven) but you can see that these pieces are not big, nor are they too small and easily lost. They clip together in the right places and don't break apart when moved around which is great for those who have kids that want to show off their skeletons after completion in different places. My daughter was so happy to have this kind of challenge where she had to follow the detailed instructions to get to the end.

Check out the size of that dinosaur!! The completed boney friends are not small at all, they even come with stands built out of the tubes to allow your child to truly be able to collect them after putting them together. Doesn't it look great? The detailing that was cut out of these small pieces really shows off how a dinosaur's internal structure really was!

Ahhh no don't eat my kiddo!! Haha, just kidding! These awesome skele-tubes are great stocking stuffers, so make sure and get yours today and have them in the stocking for Christmas!! 

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!

#Review #hgg #santasseasonalsuggestions #toys#bullsitoy #skeletubes #dinosaurs #STEM #christmas #chizcomm 


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