Chewy Influencer: Purina Beyond Wild Prey Inspired Dog Food Review:

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As a pet owner, we sometimes forget that our pets are not humans but truly are animals. They used to spend their time outdoors eating meat and when you get a dog food with mostly corn meal filler, that's not good! But that's where Purina steps in and makes sure your sweet pet gets the nourishment they need while allowing them to be happy, content house pups and cats!

We decided to allow Molly to try this turkey, liver, and duck recipe. At first she wasn't quite sure what to make of it but the food itself smelled very meaty. Which was unusual for our household normally when you get canned dog food you can smell the corn! Purina uses real beef as their first ingredient, along with nutrient-rich organ meats to give healthier food as well as satisfy our pup's craving for true meat.

Image result for Purina Beyond Wild Prey-Inspired Beef, Liver & Lamb Recipe Canned Dog Food
(Image Credit:

We love how this isn't a "gravy" style can of dog food, nor do you see bits of rice and strange pieces you have no idea what they are. No with Purina Wild-Prey dog food you know it's meat and Molly definitely loves that as well. With the larger pieces of meat we know Molly will get full on healthy food and not just fill herself with "Filler" which is not healthy at all. 

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, dog

This is a fantastic food that keeps Molly's skin and coat healthy, keeps her weight at the right level now that she is fixed, she is still energetic and we know we're doing just right with her. As you can see by her smile after eating she is just one happy sweet pup! I love how she eats so quickly and then is so comfy and content after. Before, she'd bug us a few hours after eating wanting to eat again because the corn filler in other foods would leave her system fast. But not with Purina Beyond!

You can find a 12-Pack of Purina Beyond Wild-Prey food currently on the Website here for $24.47 and I can tell you this lasts our 51 pound chocolate lab 24 meals. Half a can plus dry food makes an excellent diet! Do right by your four legged family member and get Pro Plan!

#chewyinfluencer #review #chewy #purina #beyond #dogfood #petfood #wildprey

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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