Crazy Cups: Review & Flavor of the Month - Belgian Chocolate Truffle

Crazy Cups: Official Facebook

Before drinking Crazy Cups coffee, my house only drank Maxwell House. We'd have to buy flavored creamers and quite a bit of sugar to take the bitter coffee flavor away, and still drink coffee. Every month, Crazy Cups has incredible flavors that don't need creamers with flavors like "Irish Cream" or "French Vanilla". For example, this month the flavor of coffee I get to discuss is "Belgian Chocolate Truffle" and oh my gosh, I always say "This is my favorite!" Well, yet again, I get to say that!

Yes, this coffee tastes exactly as it is described. It tastes like smooth chocolate, and it's rich enough that you don't need all that extra creamer and sugar. I add always two sugar cubes to my coffee (A lot less than I used to have to put in so yay!) and I've actually taken my husband's cup right out of his hand! I can't help it, it makes the house smell like chocolate and come know you want chocolate truffles for breakfast!

I'm still such a fan of their packaging for the coffee cups. Belgian Chocolate Truffle has a delicious aroma, fantastic taste, and goes down so smooth. We even gave some of the coffee out as a Christmas gift to our daughter's Kindergarten teacher instead of just giving her a ton of candy in a jar. We've passed out Crazy Cups coffee to Police officers, and we plan to do the same with our local Firefighters. Crazy Cups coffee is just that good, and it's great when we're out and about and we know we're helping our local community.

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I don't know about any of you, but the more I drink Crazy Cups coffee, the more I imagine this is their workplace. Seriously, they put out such delicious flavors you have to wonder if they sit all day, munching in the candy factory and going "You know, this tastes amazing let's make it a coffee flavor!" Oh how I'd love to drink from their chocolate river, if it's as smooth as this coffee you know we'd drain it dry!

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Now as I mentioned before, for my daughter's Kindergarten teacher we gave her a Christmas present. I didn't want to just fill a jar with candy, especially if she wanted to keep the jar in her class room. She'd have kids begging for candy all day long lol. So instead, I supplied her with six cups of Crazy Cups coffee! I put different flavors in, and this is just a typical sized mason jar. So for future reference for gifts, you can definitely make something unique using Crazy Cups. Make sure to put six in, any less and you're holding out!

You can get 22 Cups for $15.90 on their website (the link is here) and don't forget, if you share this post on any social media page and use the hashtag #operationcoffee, Crazy Cups will donate single serve coffee cups to our military! You know they need them! 

Coffee Type: Medium Roast
Size: Regular K-Cup size, slightly heavier in weight.
Price: $15.90 for 22 Cups with shipping estimated at checkout.
#review #operationcoffee #crazycups #decemberflavor #flavorofthemonth #belgianchocolatetruffcrazycups #coffeegifts

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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