Trolls/Avengers/Tsum Tsums Reviews & Giveaway:

Any girl I know whether young or old loves Tsum Tums, The Avengers, and Trolls. The movie Trolls has become a daily routine in our house my daughter even had me set up a Spotify playlist of the soundtrack in her room so she could dance around for hours to Justin Timberlake's sweet sounding voice. Townley Girl has incredible products that you can add to any Easter Basket for girls for many items including Trolls, Tsum Tums, and The Avengers, check this out!

The first thing I want to show are these ADORABLE Tsum Tums style items. You can get lip gloss, hair ties, even hair brushes and more. My daughter loved the hair ties, they actually sit really well in pony tails and the cute chubby face sitting next to their adorable chubby butts make so many people go "Aww." It did take some work to figure out how to get them to stay put, I kept accidentally putting the cute parts on the bottom of the ponytail, but in the end we get this result:

Isn't Dumbo just adorable?? You also can get some really cute lip gloss packs that come in an awesomely adorable tin to keep them in:

These lip glosses are flavored and have a tiny amount of color, so if you're like me with a preschooler and you aren't really into allowing your child to wear make up you can let them use these. All are non-toxic and perfectly safe and taste pretty good if I do say so myself!

Image result for trolls logo

We then move onto Trolls and we fell in LOVE with Trolls after watching the movie. They are so adorable, and sing so great. Hats off to Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick for starters. Of course, every little girl loves Trolls now and wants their own...though older generations such as my own remember cute naked trolls with jeweled stomachs right? Shame they don't make those anymore, you could rub hair or tummies and make a wish...and I'm rambling...

Also available for your child are these absolutely precious lip jellies and I personally adored these. My daughter is not a big lip gloss girl, so I actually kind of stole these haha. These have a slightly stronger flavor to them so make sure to tell your children these are NOT Lip Smackers, and shouldn't be eaten (speaking from childhood experience of course). You can see different colors for different flavors, and yes, I approve!

Oh how I wish I could take a better picture but yes, I love them. You can see the more pink bottom lip compared to the top again it's subtle colorings. These also have glitter in them so you get some shimmer on the lip that last about 45 minutes. You can also get your daughter some adorable nail polishes with a nail file with Trolls all over them. The colors tend to not really stand out so great for preschoolers like mine who LOVE to chew off nail polish. once again, 100% non-toxic and they have sparkles as well!

Image result for avengers logo animated

Last but not least THE AVENGERS!! Not just for boys, these action films have stolen the hearts of every man, woman, and child for years and now you can include Avengers items for your girls or boys in their Easter Baskets! Here you can see an item we received:

I'm leaving this sideways so you can see in better detail the lip glosses as well as the tin that you can store them in. I love the animation style of these covers as well as the tin. This isn't the typical hard drawing you find on most comics nor are they the real actors and actresses you see in the movies. The glosses just like the others are scented and are non-toxic and I really think they are fantastic. With these, if your daughter wants to be a superhero instead of a cute Troll or snuggle a Tsum Tsum you can give her the wonderful advantage in her Easter Basket!

You can find items just like these (or even these) in the Easter Section at Walmart right now, and also in the beauty area. I still saw them with only a few days before Easter so hurry today and get yours so you can light up your daughter's morning on Easter from the Easter Bunny!

To enter to win one of two Tsum Tsum hairbrush sets, just go below and enter, that simple! The winner will be announced on April 29th on The Review Ballerina on Facebook  as well as the Giveaway Winner Page so make sure to have that page liked and keep an eye out! Winner will have until 5/10/16 from announcement to claim their prize otherwise another winner will be picked! Good luck everyone!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

#review #townleygirl #tsumtsums #trolls #theavengers #girls #easter #springtimesuggestionsguide #giveaway

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


  1. My daughter is obsessed with Tsum Tsums!! I'm a fan, too. They are just too cute to resist. :)

  2. Tsum tsums are so cute! I got a couple tsum tsum pins at Disneyland and love em

  3. My daughter is lip gloss/balm mad so these are just the sort of thing she would pick up in the store! Super cute :)


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