Crayola On-The-Go Coloring Packs Review:

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Crayola is a staple in every household whether you have children, grandchildren, nieces & nephews, cousins, or even as adults. With their awesome crayons all the way up to the Emoji Maker I reviewed during the Holiday Season, you can always find amazing items that will make a child's imagination spark, and help adults with their drawing and artistry as well. Today, I get to review something that helps my preschooler enjoy car riding a bit more because it truly is an amazing thing!

Today, I get to review the amazing, awesome, Color Wonder Mess Free Coloring Packs! We received Paw Patrol, PJ Masks, Disney Princesses, and Shimmer & Shine. Each pack contains 15 coloring pages, and three markers with colors selected specifically for that box's characters. Each marker is a color wonder ink that does not show up on skin, clothing, walls, anything except the color wonder paper, which is amazing when traveling!

As you can see, inside you have a space on the right for the coloring pages, which are all glued and attached to a piece of cardboard for hard back, and on the left are three colors for the child to choose from. I'll be honest, my daughter has already opened all the boxes and played Mix-&-Match but at least I got this picture before she started. Pressing the paper into the small space for it, they don't move or slide out at all, and when the picture is done, your child can gently tear the page off, tuck it in the back and start a new one. I don't know about any other parents but this is a huge step up from some coloring books, where once you tear a page it ends up on the floor of the car.

As you start to color, the markers seem very light but then it darkens as the ink dries! I love how the tip of the markers are not too big, to help those preschoolers (like mine) stay in the lines and work on that very active imagination of "Nothing should be perfectly in the lines!". As you can see, the colors aren't vibrant or bright, but it all depends on which shades of colors you get.

Another thing my daughter loved was when we started to color Ariel's hair, as you can see there are small lines and marks that won't appear until you're coloring with the color wonder markers! When she was doing Paw Patrol and coloring Chase, his tag on his collar showed an awesome hidden star! So this gets the kids more excited to want to sit and color rather than watch TV or play with electronics, because they never know what they may find! I thought this was an excellent touch and addition by Crayola, a small little thought that really makes a huge difference.

These packs are fantastic for on the go especially if you plan to travel for holidays like Easter. These packs snap shut, so there's no worry about markers sliding out or paper flying everywhere. Each pack is around $4.99 in stores, and I definitely think this is a fantastic value. Especially if you have a child that loves to play the "Are we there yet?" game. You can find these at any store that sells Crayola products, and I'd suggest hurrying and getting them today!

#review #reviewballerina #crayola #on-the-gosets #spring #childrens

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


  1. What a great way to color, first. Second, I really like the subtle details once you use markers. I think these are a perfect gift for the 3-5 year olds in our lives. Thank you for sharing!
    Nicole (

  2. I absolutely LOVE these! easy to let my son play with them without a mess!


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