Baby Guide: The Mommy Hook Review:

The Mommy Hook

An amazing brand and item for the Baby Guide! A must have for all parents out there so get yours today!

When we had our daughter six years ago, one thing we tried to do was stuff every bag we could when shopping into the bottom of her stroller. Very quickly we realized this was not a good idea, especially if we had walked to the grocery store and somehow we'd forget what bag the bread was in, while we put the spaghetti sauce on top. The Mommy Hook is one of the best stroller assistants you could get because it is strong, durable, and lasts for years giving you the hands free ability to take care of your child(ren) without fear of losing bags, items being stolen, and more.

The Mommy Hook comes in strong, durable aluminum and has a comfortable foam grip for when you want to carry your multiple bags off the stroller or shopping cart. In particular, we would hook our black Mommy Hook to the stroller handle and then hook the bags on one at a time. It was such a blessing at the mall, or even at Six Flags! Our daughter was between 3 and 4 when we began going and she wasn't quite used to walking all that distance. We would also bring a bag with snacks for her and drinks as she was such a picky eater. Having this hook made me feel confident that we could stay hands free while enjoying our trips around the park, and yet everything was right there and available. 

The Mommy Hook Colors - Blue, Green, Red & Black
Photo Credit: The Mommy Hook
I will say, that this hook is so strong and durable, that you can overload it. Seriously, the moment your child is out of the stroller, it falls right back, haha. You have to kind of gauge the front weight of your stroller to determine how much you can hang on the hook but ours didn't break at all. We had it all the way until we stopped using strollers, and then it just vanished in our move. Another thing that I love about the Mommy Hook is you can hook your purse to it, and know that if someone were to try to do a snatch a grab they'd end up being unable to do so. It would also be extremely obvious someone was opening your purse and digging in it so that definitely helps with the confidence of this product.

You can find a Mommy Hook at any major retail store that carries baby items such as Walmart, Toys R Us, Babies R Us, Amazon, and more. They run around $8 and I would definitely say they are a bargain. I wouldn't think you'd need more than one, that's how confident I am with this product. Hurry and pick up your Mommy Hook today to make your life easier as you juggle your entire world in your arms...and it coos and smiles at you!

#review #babyguide2017 #reviewballerina #themommyhook

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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