Dallas Zoo 2016 Review:
Dallas Zoo: Official Facebook
This gorgeous guy was a part of a small show to let us get to know cheetahs. Normally, they let him run around and play with a toy and find it but due to the grass and mud, they didn't want him to get hurt. So instead we got to watch him walk back and forth right in front of us munching on treats and giving great photo ops. When he was close up to you, you could hear him purring and making small growling noises and again, I said "Aww!" I even told my husband I wanted one at that point! I loved how he trusted his trainer so much that he'd walk beside her, listen to her commands and give these sweet looks up at her when he wanted to do more. We watched for a little while and then decided to move onto another part of the zoo, especially as we only had about an hour and a half left before they closed.
Last year, we had an amazing opportunity to come to the Dallas Zoo and review the wonderful animals and location. Unfortunately, the monorail was not back up and running when we went but this year, we got the great chance to ride it and enjoy the zoo once again!
Arriving at the zoo was a challenge thanks to a couple of things. One: We live an hour the opposite way now so it was quite the drive and Two: Dallas does not quite understand that we don't want to drive AROUND downtown to get somewhere. But, we got there and immediately ran inside to enjoy the fun. First, I took my daughter on the carousel and smiled as she really enjoyed it. It was faster than most that we've ridden on, and the animal choices were fantastic! At first she was a bit afraid because these go a bit higher than the others, but soon she was going "Whee!" and having a ball while I was dizzy standing still, haha.
From there, we went to see the Flamingos and other birds, then began following the trail around just enjoying the cool air and the beautiful animals. We loved seeing all the smaller animals this time compared to before. Last time we went it was on a weekend, and there were so many visitors it was hard to get close. But going on a Friday afternoon it was a perfect, cool day and made for great walking without feeling rushed or pushed around.
The lemurs looked so adorable and they were hanging out with very large turtles. I loved looking at the lemurs and wishing I could hold one. So fuzzy and soft, I thought he'd make a great snuggle buddy!
This little guy I have to giggle, his hair reminds me of Doc Brown from Back to the Future! It was feeding time when we got there, and he got himself a grape and was munching away on it. He'd make cute little squeaking sounds as he ate and we loved watching him for a little while.

Riding the monorail was an awesome feature to the zoo that I'm so glad they put back in place. Getting in, you could tell they included air conditioning vents, better speakers, and it just seemed a lot cleaner and safer. Olivia loved watching the doors close automatically, and soon we were off!
The images above were taken during the monorail, and it was great how we seemed to really get fantastic views of the animals as we went by. In fact, it truly felt as though some animals just knew we were there to look at them because they'd do the silliest things when we went by. The only thing about the monorail that was a bit nerve-racking was that at times, it felt like it was leaning forward a bit too much. There was no danger, trust me it was completely safe and no worries at all but sometimes you just can't help but grasp your seat like "Oh goodness!" My husband and I were kind of laughing during the ride at how jumpy we were but my daughter adored riding it.
"Mommy I'm trying to enjoy the ride, no more pictures!" |
All in all, the Dallas Zoo continues to be an amazing place to take your child(ren) for wonderful experiences with animals. They are even getting a wonderful Hippo Exhibit that should be coming in Spring of 2017! Hippos are so awesome, they flap their ears in the water and I love seeing them splash so I cannot wait for that exhibit! You can even trick or treat coming up soon at the Dallas Zoo so make sure to visit when you can!
#review #dallaszoo
Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!
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