Crazy Cups: Review & Flavor of the Month - Salted Caramel

Coffee is the staple of every person's life, even if you claim it isn't. At some point you will just be dragging through the day and that smell of a fantastic brewed cup of coffee will waft to your nose. You'll go "Oh, I want that!" just so you can finish your work day. Crazy Cups has already impressed me significantly with their coffee. The flavors are amazing, the smell is incredible, and this month's flavor was Salted Caramel. I was truly not sure if I'd like a "Salty" coffee, so imagine my surprise!

I've found myself falling deeper in love with Crazy Cups with each brew I do. When I had my first cup of the Salted Caramel, I at first wasn't sure about it. I think I put too much sugar in to overcompensate for the saltiness I thought would be there. But the caramel flavor, oh man! It was amazing and smooth! The house smelled like caramel coffee and I cannot stop talking about how you smell the sweetness! There really isn't a saltiness to the coffee it just has an amazing blend of coffee with sweet caramel that isn't overly sweet.
I always use cream and sugar in my coffee, so after my first cup I decided to have a second! Never in my life have I ever done this (at least outside of IHOP). I used a bit less sugar and a bit more heavy cream and it was gone within a few minutes. I adored the flavor, but the caffeine took over and I was giggling at pretty much nothing, so that isn't happening again! I will say, Salted Caramel is not a flavor you normally think you'd enjoy as a coffee (just like the Chocolate Raspberry Truffle) but Crazy Cups knows what they are doing. They make an amazing coffee cup that you want to smell and drink for hours.

You can get 22 Cups for $15.90 on their website (the link is here) and don't forget, if you share this post on any social media page and use the hashtag #operationcoffee, Crazy Cups will donate single serve coffee cups to our military! You know they need them! I'm off to have yet another cup of coffee!

Coffee Type: Medium Roast
Size: Regular K-Cup size, slightly heavier in weight.
Price: $15.90 for 22 Cups with shipping estimated at checkout.

#review #crazycups #coffeeflavorofthemonth #operationcoffee

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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