Video Call with Santa Claus Review & Giveaway

You know this is a "Santa's Seasonal Suggestions!"

Every year, I make sure that my daughter knows about Santa Claus and his magic. We talk about him all year and then when Christmas comes around it's allllll about Santa Claus. Talk to Santa is an opportunity for children to video call with Santa Claus from the "North Pole" and have a wonderful Christmas with the magical toy deliverer. 

When scheduling your video call, it's very simple to pick a date and a time. You get not only an e-mail confirmation of the conference, but a cute "invitation" you can print out for your child that tells them the date and time as well. You also receive a reminder text 30 minutes before the call which was VERY helpful. I was running around tidying the house, bathing the kid, and pretty much going out of my mind up until that point. The cost of the video call is $24.95 and 15% of that goes to Toys for Tots. So not only are you giving your child a fantastic experience, but you're helping children who need a little help with Christmas this year! It's a great cause, and the call is so great!

Santa Claus was warm and friendly, laughing with a belly like a "Bowl full of Jelly"! He knew Olivia's buddies' names, and that she liked saying "Please", "Thank you", and gave wonderful hugs. Olivia was so excited to talk to Santa Claus she told him so many things. The only thing, was Santa Claus accidentally kept calling her "Lizzy" instead of "Livvy", but you know what? Santa is so busy and has so many children to look over it was totally alright.

One thing I adored was the way Santa had such a great atmosphere behind him. He told Olivia how he was at the North Pole and how it was so cold, yet you could tell Mrs. Claus keeps their home all nice and warm. The call lasted about 12 minutes, and it would've gone longer if more people were on the call or if Olivia hadn't begun showing signs she was tired and just babbling. But she was so excited and I adored how she hung to Santa's every word.

Once the call is over, the elves work hard to get you a recording of the entire conversation and even send your child a really cute certificate letting them know they're on Santa's nice list. How sweet, and it really helps with the whole "He sees you when you're sleeping..." thing. 

I am giving away one free Video Call to speak to Santa Claus here! 

To enter, just go below and enter, that simple! The winner will be announced on 12/4/15 on The Review Ballerina on Facebook  as well as the Giveaway Winner Page so make sure to have that page liked and keep an eye out! Winner will have until December 10th from announcement to claim their prize otherwise another winner will be picked! Good luck everyone!! One Video Call Giveaway

#giveaway #talktosanta #review

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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