Lalaloopsy "Dance with Me" -- Peanut Big Top Doll Review

I have been given another opportunity to review another fantastic Lalaloopsy toy. This time, it's the "Dance with Me" Peanut Big Top doll! Since my last review, the company was awesome enough to send us a couple of Lalaloopsy DVD's so my daughter could watch and know more about the show. She LOVED the movies she received. She has asked many times if she can watch them over and over. The characters are so cute on the show and now the items make a lot more sense to her.

The "Dance with Me" doll is really adorable, and has a lot of different things for the child to do. They can interact with the doll directly (which is what my daughter prefers to do), or they can wear a bow on their pants/belt and it guides the doll to interact with them! Olivia likes spinning the bow on Peanut's head, and then watching her dance.

Peanut if not on a flat surface will start to dance and then fall over, and yet that isn't even a problem! The cutest thing ever happens, she giggles and asks your child to help her back up! I love that the doll is aware of this making it seem more like a real friend/buddy for your child to enjoy. She dances around, spins (upper body only), and makes the cutest noises when her bow spins. I have heard the Lalaloopsy Dance song more times than I truly want to admit since Olivia received this toy. She is addicted to dancing with Peanut and making her dance.

Another awesome feature, is you can play "Freeze Dance" with Peanut! Yep, there are so many options with this doll to have fun and really groove! Once Olivia starts playing, we'll hear that bow whirl around so many times which tells me she never wants to stop. I love knowing she is getting that physical exercise she needs while dancing which is a favorite hobby of hers. Peanut is a great addition to our household and I know she will be for yours too!

#review #lalaloopsy

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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