Legend Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder Review

Green Tea Powder has become a staple in our home. My husband's favorite Starbucks drink is a Green Tea Frappucino with three more scoops of Matcha Green Tea. Getting the ceremonial grade is really awesome because it tastes fantastic, and you don't need a lot to enjoy it.

Ceremonial Grade is very strong, and you only need maybe a teaspoon or so to mix in milk. The flavor is not bitter, and dissolves very quickly. We love how smooth it is going down and there's no real aftertaste other than the delightful green tea flavor. Since green tea is so healthy, it's something we'd love to drink every day and let it's natural "powers" work their magic! A small container goes for $23.99 on Amazon, but as long as you aren't overdoing it with your scooping, it should last you a very long time. So if you're into drinking green tea at Starbucks or other coffee shops, I would definitely suggest getting this and making yourself something instead. This can costs the same as five tall drinks, so you may as well get this and have closer to ten!

#review #legendorganic

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


  1. I'm normally a pretty cynical guy when it comes to "earthy" remedies. But consider me converted. I now realize what "alkalizing your body" actually feels like, and I'm just getting started! Green energy drinks are so calming that I can’t explain.


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