Little Tikes Cook N Store Kitchen Review

Note: This is Part 1 of 2 for my review of Little Tikes. The second part requires batteries, haha.

Another amazing option from "Santa's Seasonal Suggestions"!

Little Tikes always has the most awesome toys and unique things for children to play with. Last Christmas, my daughter was given a kitchen from "Santa", and she loved it. But within a couple of days a few things fell off and when I called in about getting replacements or something, she had torn the "Little Tikes" sticker off of the kitchen, which prevented us from proving it was truly their brand. She still plays with that kitchen but receiving this one, she was excited to have a fully working kitchen once again!

The Cook N Store Kitchen  is extremely great, and very durable. It says it's for 18+ months, so I expected it to be a short kitchen but it's actually about as tall as my almost four year old. It was very easy to put together (most of it was already done when it arrived), and it has everything from a rotating spice rack, a microwave, to a double oven and a fridge! My daughter has more kitchen gadgets than I do at this point. This came with four square plates, four square cups, several pieces of silverware, a pot, a ladle, a salt & peper shaker, some food, and more. The basket of food you see in the picture is not included that was something separate we added in for her. I loved how this had so much for her to do from having a sink and drying rack, to even a place to put the cups! The knobs on the stove area click and work, and you can even fold this kitchen up if you plan to move it or take it somewhere. Compact and easy to handle!

 After coming home from preschool, we told her she had a "surprise" in her room. I was concerned the kitchen would be shorter than her as the measurements stated it was compared to her height at the doctor. As you can see, either the doctor is adding some inches to her, or the kitchen is taller than I thought! It's the perfect height for her to reach everything! So far she has cooked all of her Spongebob buddies in the microwave, all of her cars in the ovens (which can be turned into one by pushing down the inside slat), and has washed all of her ponies. Every day she gets up and immediately goes straight for her kitchen to play until she sees me.
Another thing I love about this kitchen is how solid everything is. The other kitchen set we got last year had a lot of cardboard pieces to it, which is why the middle parts fell off. It wasn't as sturdy as this one is, so I know that even as she continues to grow and get older she'll still want to play with this! I think for any parent who wants something sturdy, stable, and fun for their young ones this is a must have. None of the food pieces are cardboard, so they can't be eaten (though watch out, if your kiddo is like mine they may like to tear stickers apart off things!). Everything is thick and doesn't bend or snap, so if you are looking to get your kid a kitchen for Christmas, definitely consider this one! It comes in red and pink, so you can choose the color that coordinates best!

Once again, Little Tikes does not disappoint with offering quality items for a great price. I think the kitchen set we got for Christmas was a fluke in terms of what happened because the ratings everywhere else for it have been high. This one has also a very high rating on many places, and I stand by my opinion that this would be a fantastic Christmas gift for any child.

Out of Five Stars, I give Little Tikes Cook N Store Kitchen Image result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink starsImage result for pink stars!!!

#review #santasseasonalsuggestions


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