Canvas Factory "Lost Souls" Canvas Review & Giveaway:

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My husband is a very creative person in our household. He makes music on his computer as well as has begun learning guitar by self-taught instruction. He also is an artist and does a lot of drawings and creations that we will find the next morning on the table. One such creation was a character named "Slappy the Duck" that my husband and daughter had thought up. My daughter was thoroughly surprised to wake up one morning and find this on the dining room table:

Needless to say Slappy made it to school and back that day just to show her friends in her Kindergarten class how funny he was. But this is the kind of work my husband does and you can imagine how excited we were to have the awesome moment of reviewing another canvas from Canvas Factory that would include an image he had worked on himself. Again, this is a 16x20 canvas that we rotated horizontally to allow for the full effect.

I love this picture that he created using Photoshop. He did this during a Reddit contest and the original image was nothing more than trees and a tombstone. My husband did a lot of effects to it, change some coloration, added the "lost souls" and one thing I truly love is that you can't tell that this was started as a "blank canvas" per se. He did so well with all the additions and layering that it looks like this is the image that it was at the start. Of course, he didn't win the competition (should've been a Texas Hold Em' thing then he would've won!) but getting this put on permanent canvas was my gift to him. The image stretching over the canvas wasn't changed at all, the quality wasn't lowered, it looks incredible and is straight along with the black frame.

This is a closer view of the canvas, almost looks like a painting doesn't it? You can see the quality was not in any way brought down by the image being created on the computer, then uploaded and put to canvas. That's what I love about Canvas Factory they keep a high quality standard while giving you something that will last years upon years. You can see the souls in the background that were meant to be very light to the sight, very hard to see almost like you'd do a double take to go "oh there's another one". They weren't lost in translation of print, and that's how great of a piece of work you can get with Canvas Factory. I also adore how the coloring wasn't in any way changed or moved. The coloring goes from black all the way to very light blues and hues of white. None of that was faltered, which is another huge compliment to Canvas Factory.

We decided to have a frame along the top and bottom of the canvas but stretch the sides so it looked like the woods were ongoing, but the top and bottom frame almost looks like he did that on the image itself doesn't it? I am such a huge fan of the wraparound edge of a canvas it truly just gives it such an amazing ending. The canvas is thick, it's not going to tear easily, so I know this is something my husband can cherish forever and show people when they ask what kind of work can he do. Canvas Factory can help you immortalize your works of art that you create, or you can do something as simple as the "Princess Olivia" canvas we reviewed before that your child would enjoy. Of course as she grows into adulthood she probably won't want to hang that -- okay I'm going to stop right there. You actually never know, so I guess when she's a teenager I'll need to return and give you all an update on how the canvas fared over 10 years as well as if she still likes it!

To enter to win a 16 x 20 Canvas from Canvas Factory, just go below and enter, that simple! The winners will be announced on 3/25/18 on The Review Ballerina on Facebook  as well as the Giveaway Winner Page so make sure to have that page liked and keep an eye out! Winner will have until September 1st from announcement to claim their prize otherwise another winner will be picked! Good luck everyone!!

One 16x20 Canvas from Canvas Factory!

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!
#review #canvasfactory #giveaway #lostsouls


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