Paw Patrol Snuggle Up Skye Review:

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"Paw Patrol...Paw Patrol...Whenever You're in Trouble..."

Let's be honest, if you're a parent you know the moment you hear that first line of the theme song you know where your kids are going to be. Paw Patrol has become one of the biggest cartoons for children ever. My daughter has been fan for many years, in fact she has all the original Paw Patrol stuffies along with Ryder she plays with all the time. Today, I get to show you all an amazing new Paw Patrol item that is fantastic for Christmas!

The Paw Patrol "Snuggle Up Skye" (Also comes in Chase!) is a soft, plush, lullaby playing cutie that is great for toddlers and pre-schoolers who just need that special pal to sleep with. She plays different soft tunes including a lullaby rendition of the Paw Patrol theme song and she will also talk to your child! She says things like "Nighty-Nite!" and "Don't worry buddy, I'll keep you safe!" which I think is so sweet. My daughter tends to have a hard time falling asleep unless her room is lit up like day time and music is playing. I've heard her at night lying in bed listening to Skye and talking to her.

The light on Skye's chest lights up when she is playing music, but not when speaking. One thing I really love is how soft she is, you can't feel the voice box inside at all, but she can easily be pressed in the center for the voice and songs to be heard. This can be good and bad lol. Good: Children very young don't have to try hard to hear their best friend sing and speak, but Bad: In the middle of night you're racing in to get Skye out from under your child's stomach, as she says every line over and over and you're fearing she wakes up!

My now six year old is in Kindergarten, and you can see how happy and excited she was to see Skye when coming out for the day. I do want to point out, I feel this toy is better suited for toddlers and pre-schoolers, BUT, this is also for those hardcore, die hard fans of Paw Patrol who love to have all the buddies they can from the show. This would make an incredible addition to any child's Christmas gifts, and I personally suggest sitting them in the child's stocking. Perhaps telling the child that "when Santa came, out of nowhere you heard Skye say 'I'm ready to fly!' and she popped up out of the stocking like magic!"...I can't use that this year, see our daughter's Pikachu did that last year but it's a great suggestion for yours!

You can currently get Snuggle Up Skype or Snuggle Up Chase at Walmart for $14.88, and you can click here. If they are out of stock at Walmart, check Toys R' Us and even Target! Hurry and get yours today!

#review #hgg17 #santasseasonalsuggestions #princessguide #spinmaster #pawpatrol #snuggleupskye

Elizabeth is a wife to her wonderful husband, a work at home mother to her beautiful little girl and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug", or laughing with her husband, she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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