Enchanted Fairies Experience Review Pt. Two

Official Donor & Contributor to Kidd's Kids. An organization started by the late DJ Kidd Kraddick of Dallas, Texas to help make a difference in the lives of special needs children!

Two weeks ago, I was given the incredible opportunity to review Enchanted Fairies in Plano, Texas. I was able to talk about the experience my daughter had and talk about how incredible everyone was in making my daughter's time there so wonderful. One day shy of two weeks and I received an e-mail on Facebook with our online formatted pictures!

I became that proud, teary-eyed Mommy staring at her beautiful little girl in total shock and awe. The magic that was added and all the special effects were so beautiful. One thing I adored was how they made sure that each picture was so unique. You would've thought she did an hour with different back drops, props, and more.

The beautiful water beneath was digitally added and I never thought about them putting water in there! I adore the picture above with her cute, chubby face. I only wish she had allowed them to put the lighter colored flower crown on her head. Though the dark is beautiful on her, it seems a bit big but that is because my daughter would not let them do any other. Darnit lol.

Remember, right now for $25 you can get a photo shoot just like this for your son or daughter, and a free 8x10 that is included! I had thought about for years doing this, but I didn't know if it was worth it. If you've been in front of cameras like I have my entire life you tend to wonder if you'll get what you really think you'll get. I did Glamour Shots many times in my life growing up, and most of the time you did look like you were just standing in a studio with a carpeted/material back drop. Enchanted Fairies goes the extra mile...extra TEN miles to ensure your pictures are one of a kind, unique, gorgeous, and perfection. Make sure to book your time today! We will be going back next year to put her in a pink outfit!

To Christopher, Carrie, and everyone at Enchanted Fairies: Your kindness and incredible opportunity was more than I could've ever expected. Knowing that your work shines light on so many children daily to help them feel like fairies, and in return that same hard work and dedication helps children through Kidd's Kids is incredible. Never change, and never stop. 

Elizabeth is a work at home Mother of a sweet and beautiful daughter. She is a wife of seven years and a blogger for some time now. When she isn't spending time with her "Livvybug" she is looking for new review opportunities and writing or singing along to classic rock and pop music!


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