Vape Moshi Review by Odd Prime



I'll start by noting that the packaging of this juice is the absolute best I have seen for any juice I have ever received through the mail.

All other vendors across the world need to take notice, because this is how glass bottles should be shipped.

These juices came tightly packaged in a custom branded box, surrounded with thick foam that eliminates any movement within the box which guarantees that you get your merchandise delivered to you in pristine condition.

Packaging: 15/5


Yorkville (snickerdoodle with hints of vanilla and almond)
I honestly just don't see it. The only hint of snickerdoodle cookie I get is a slightly sugary cinnamon flavor.
Nothing about this juice says "cookie" to me. I'm also really having trouble tasting any vanilla or almond.
In fact, there's no nuttiness to this juice whatsoever (which I'm actually fine with, since I hate nutty bakery flavors because they are usually very dry and quite bitter tasting).
This juice really baffles me. It's almost flavorless; not in a bad way, it isn't bland, but the flavor just kinda comes and goes.
Leaves no real aftertaste and I could easily drip another flavor right over it with no issues.
Needs work.

The Junction (creamy custard with spicy finish)
I typically don't like custard juices because they always seem to taste kinda dry and eggy to me, like vaping dry pudding mix.
This juice is fantastic. Very creamy vanilla custard that tastes almost a little fruity, with a very slight cinnamon *pop* on the exhale. As much as I usually hate them, I like to think I can judge a company based on their custard juices.
This custard definitely passes the test.
Potential ADV.

Rosedale (milk chocolate, hazelnut, mocha)
Again, I'll reiterate that I do not favor nutty juices. That being said, this juice is not bad at all.
I primarily get a deep hazelnut flavor with just a hint of mocha, backed up with a rich Tootsie Roll-like chocolate flavor. This is the closest thing to vaping Nutella.
Only problem is that like every other chocolate juice I've tried, I just can't get past that artificial flavor.
It's not Vape Moshi's fault though, I just don't think there exists a chocolate flavoring yet for e-juice that doesn't taste like chocolate-flavored hard candy.
Regardless of any gripes I may have, one of the best chocolate flavors I've vaped.

High Park (strawberry, banana)
I have tried as hard as I can, but I simply cannot fault this juice in any way. Absolutely wonderful blend of super sweet strawberry and banana. I can't get enough. Tastes like someone smacked me in the mouth with a bag of strawberry and banana runts; mostly banana. If you like banana flavors, add this one to your list.
Give me a Max VG version and I'll vape it for LIFE.


St. Clair (cola gummy)
This one is just not for me. To be fair, it all stems from a bad experience I had with a chai tea juice I had from another vendor that tasted like spicy flat cola. Ever since then, I just cannot tolerate the flavor of cola when it comes to e-juice.
This isn't bad though; it very much reminds me of Haribo Happy Cola gummies with just a bit of an almost carbonated bite to it. Not as sweet as I thought it would be though.
Should be just right for fans of cola gummies.

Echo Beach (melon, mint)
The description of this juice says it is "a juicy flash of melon with a note of mint". I beg to differ.
This is a nice and tasty melon flavor with an ARCTIC BLAST of peppermint. This juice may be a completely different experience in a tank, but in my RDA this is a mentholated blizzard of peppermint with a backend consisting of watermelon and perhaps a little cantaloupe.
However, it's been a while since I've had a good icy juice to vape, so I quite enjoy this one. One thing to note is that unlike most menthol-type juices, this doesn't burn your throat all to hell.
Very refreshing if you like swallowing melon-y ice cubes.

Final Thoughts

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the juice I received from Vape Moshi. While they are all 50/50 PG/VG, aside from how thin the juice is (which is great for you tank users out there), I practically couldn't tell. Clouds were indeed produced semi-easily, and I did not suffer from as much of a dry mouth like other 50/50 juices I've tried. I don't know what kind of voodoo they're working, but if you vaped this juice blindfolded you wouldn't know it was 50/50.

Their branding and packaging are, in my opinion, the best in the business. I look at the bottles and they remind me of high-end cologne or perfume you'd find in a store that makes your wallet cry. No fall-apart cheap labeling with running ink over here folks. This juice is top-notch and there's no denying it when you the bottles on a shelf.

Vape Moshi has yet to make their impact on the world of vaping. Yet. With due time, and a higher VG formulation, these juices could easily not only compete with the best premium juices on the market, but exceed them.

I look forward to it, and so should you.


  1. Although Ive never tried vaping Ive always thought I'd give it a try, maybe I'll start with juice!!


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